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Virtual Conference: Course-embedded Learning Assistants in STEM

AFC Learning Resources Commission Virtual Conference

2021 Exemplary Practices Student Support Services Nominee

2021 Exemplary Practice Learning Support Nominee

Course-embedded Learning Assistants in STEM

Our IRSC mathematics department has been using embedded learning assistants (peer tutors) for the past six years, initially as part of our Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) action research project, and has continued and expanded their use in some science courses.  While meeting with the peer tutors to discuss their role in the classroom, it became abundantly clear that the peer tutors needed more than just course content experience.  The peer tutors needed training in understanding how to assist and support students to foster independent learning.   

We have been very fortunate to have hired some fantastic students who have done a tremendous job working with our students and our faculty. However, the need to take the program to the next level to adequately prepare learning assistants for the job they are hired to do will help students and only improve student learning, engagement, and success.  To address this need, the Mathematics and Science Student Success Coordinator at IRSC designed a learning assistant training course using the College Reading and Learning Association as a resource because of their significant research on the benefits of developing a learning assistant training program at institutions as a model (Agee & Hodges, 2012).  For our institution's learning assistant training, some of the College Reading and Learning Associations suggestions were used but also customized for our institution's needs.  The topics developed include proper tutoring techniques, understanding adult learners, learning theory, learning styles, growth mindset, study skills, active listening, paraphrasing, critical thinking, and online tutoring. Some of the content that has been developed for our embedded learning assistant training program includes topics that the tutors themselves have suggested that they would like additional training in.  The learning assistants suggested including a module about students with disabilities and how to assist them.  The modules include learner objectives, videos, articles, discussion boards, classroom observations, role-playing, and peer tutor blog readings.  

With the assistance of the Program Coordinator for the Academic Support Center STEM Initiative, learning assistants are hired and assigned to sections of mathematics and sciences, primarily introductory and gateway courses. The Academic Support Center acquires learning assistants mainly through faculty referrals. From there, the process of embedding these learning assistants into STEM courses generally begins at the training stage. Many of these learning assistants are very capable students, but very few have any formal training before starting their roles as course-embedded learning assistants.  

The original training modules created by the Mathematics and Science Student Success Coordinator worked to sufficiently train learning assistants to be prepared for in-person embedded tutoring; however, since the outbreak of the COVID-19, IRSC quickly pivoted to virtual instruction. The training course had to be modified for the learning assistants, and a module developed with materials for tutoring in the virtual environment. Many of the learning assistants who have completed the training have said they feel much more confident about tutoring in the online environment. 

These student learning assistants who were once embedded in a physical classroom are now, for the most part, virtually embedded into classes. The faculty at IRSC has been very innovative in coming up with ways to utilize these now well-trained and experienced tutors. The faculty is using the learning assistants in two primary ways: having them hold supplemental office hours and allowing them to conduct supplemental instruction in peer-led review sessions. This means that tutors are responsible for working with students in a one-on-one fashion as well as in groups—the individual and whole-group-based instruction range from a variety of subjects. The tutors assist students with topics such as algebra, trigonometry, statistics, calculus, physics, chemistry, and biology.

The learning assistants' excellent ability is evident from the qualitative feedback that we have received from the students they have assisted. Much of the feedback in Table 1 is about tutors who have completed the formal training from the Mathematics and Science Student Success Coordinator. See Table 1 below.

The learning assistance training has been so successful that the hope is to expand to all learning assistant (peer tutors) and peer mentors across the institution.  Especially, with COVID our students need the support now and post COVID more than ever.  Training our learning assistants and peer mentors will hopefully keep our students engaged, help with retention, and completion.  


Agee, K. & Hodges, R. (2012). Handbook for training peer tutors and mentors.

Mason, OH: College Reading and Learning Association.


Table 1

Embedded Learning Assistant Feedback

Our tutor was so helpful and allowed for us to ask questions and responded to all of the questions. She was great!

Yes I will be joining in on other days.

Appreciated the step by step.

Great elaborate explanation, Tutor was able to assist me and explain the concepts. 

Clear easy to understand communication and vast knowledge on the subject. Best tutor so far.

Ms. Dearman was really kind and helped me to understand and freshen up with my comprehension.

So helpful! I was so confused and she explained everything and helped me so much.

Absolutely wonderful tutor that left me feeling encouraged to strive further into understanding mathematics! 

Thanks so much! I did not feel rush, and the pace was perfect.

I loved having this opportunity before my test, and look forward to doing it again in the future. 

I think this is a wonderful resource for students.

Maria was extremely helpful, & I will be taking advantage of her tutoring hours this semester!

She explained well, and thoroughly went through every problem, thank you!!

Very friendly and knew how to break down steps so that I could understand what to do and why it was being done that way.

Very great at explaining stuff! Does not get off track and makes things very clear!!!

Very nice and helpful. I had an issue with my professor and he recommended what to do.

Certificate of Completion

Presentation Recording

Course-Embedded Learning Assistants in STEM

Pictures from the training course