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Virtual Conference: Pizza & a Major: Internships

AFC Learning Resources Commission Virtual Conference

Pizza & a Major: Internships

Pizza & a Major: Internships 

Breanna Perry

Pasco-Hernando State College

Beginning in 2015 and continuing to this semester, “Pizza & a Major” is an event held twice per year at each campus of Pasco-Hernando State College.  As Coordinator of Career Services at PHSC Brooksville & Spring Hill Campuses I have been involved in the planning and coordination of this event since the very beginning!

Pizza & a Major has evolved over time, starting out focusing on just one or two college majors and careers per semester and now being inclusive of all majors and current internship opportunities.  Spring of 2018 was the start of the initiative to bring our internship partners to this event to create meaningful connections with students.  With such great results in 2018, we are making internships a focus of all Pizza & a Major events for the foreseeable future. 


During Pizza & a Major, employers and professors set up information tables.  Students are encouraged to visit each table before and after the panel discussion.  Some employers and instructors participate in the panel discussion on the topic of advice for current students interested in beginning their careers.  Moderated questions include, “How did you get into your current career?  Did you plan to end up in your current career when you started college?”, “How important is education versus on the job experience?”, “What advice would you give to students about presenting themselves professionally to employers?”.  Students also have an opportunity to ask questions to the panelists.  At the end of the event, students are again encouraged to visit with the employers at the information tables.

Participating Employers and Instructors:

Hernando Sheriff’s Office, Hernando Chamber of Commerce, Hernando Supervisor of Elections, I-9 Sports, Career Source, and from PHSC Assistant Director of Career and Testing, Director of Human Services Program, Professor for the Paralegal Program and PHSC Academic Advisors.


Two students followed up with the Supervisor of Elections office and were offered summer internships.  Another student had their own internship site they had found and met with me after the event to complete the paperwork.  The following semester another student was connected with a participant of this event, the Hernando Chamber of Commerce, to complete an internship there.  Students filled out surveys after the event and it was obvious they enjoyed the event, appreciated it, and learned something too!

How does this practice support the Mission of the Florida College System?

“to provide access to high-quality, affordable academic and career educational programs that maximize student learning and success, develop a globally competitive workforce and respond rapidly to diverse state and community needs.”

  • High-quality employers and presentations
  • Free event for both students and employers
  • Local Hernando County community employers participating
  • Work experience and knowledge gained by students can be applied on a broader workforce scale

How does this practice support student learning?

Spring Hill Campus Student Feedback

  • Very informative
  • The greatest
  • Great presentation
  • Helpful
  • Very great and that they (students) could learn a lot it could very well help them (students) see their career path
  • Informative
  • Need more science related internships
  • 10
  • Informative
  • Interesting and fun
  • They helped me with the interview process better
  • Informational
  • I really liked the program very informative about internships and interviewing would like more people to talk to though
  • Awesome

North Campus Student Feedback

  • Helpful
  • Very helpful
  • Awesome
  • Very informative
  • Very informative
  • A learning opportunity
  • Informative
  • Awesome
  • Great people
  • Excellent for info


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