In-text Example:
When you have two authors with the same last name, use the first initial of the author to whom you refer in the in-text.
Cite the author's last name and page number in the in-text citation. If you have no page number, line number, paragraph number, or division title, just use the author's last name.
If the division can be misinterpreted as a page number, use a semicolon and then add a descriptive word to explain what the number represents (in this case letter 120).
..."I cannot but be sorry that some of the most manly sentiments in the Declaration are expunged from the printed copy. Perhaps wise reasons induced it" (A. Adams; letter 120).
Work Cited
Adams, John, and Abigail Adams. Familiar Letters, American Literature to 1865, 2018,
Letters of Mrs. Adams, the Wife of John Adams, Vol. 1