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Faculty Resources: Embedded Librarians

Embed a Librarian in Canvas

Are you teaching an online course and wondering how to help your students with their research assignments? The IRSC librarians are here to help! Through our embedded librarian program you can have a real, live librarian available to your students within your course shell. Librarians can provide research assistance within Canvas in a variety of ways.

Tools/resources librarians can provide:

  • Video tutorials
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous instruction sessions on using library databases
  • Citation instruction
  • Guided discussion posts
  • Embedded Canvas modules
  • One-on-one student consultations on research topics/papers (in person or online)
  • Virtual office hours
  • Course-specific LibGuide

Librarians are available for the entire course period, or during the research-heavy portions of your course. Don’t delay! Contact a librarian today to inquire about the embedded librarian program. Your students and your students’ grades will thank you.