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GEB4930 Selected Topics in Management Butler: Home

A research guide for Professor Butler's Selected Topics in Management course.


Welcome to the LibGuide for Professor Butler's Selected Topics in Management students. In the different tabs above you will find links and tips to find business related resources in books, journals, and on the Internet. Whenever you conduct research for any college related course the information you find should be evaluated for:

  • Currency (is the information up to date?)
  • Relevancy (is the information relevant to your topic/subject/assignment?)
  • Authority (is the author identified and have the proper credentials to make such claims?)
  • Bias (does the author/organization/publication have a stake in providing only one side of an argument?)

The information in this LibGuide has been evaluated for these criteria and are more scholarly than what you might find in a simple Google search. However, you should always evaluate the information you use in any college assignment.

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Recommended books: 5 votes (10.87%)
Login help: 1 votes (2.17%)
Recommended databases: 27 votes (58.7%)
Citation help: 2 votes (4.35%)
Recommended websites: 9 votes (19.57%)
Librarian contact: 2 votes (4.35%)
Total Votes: 46