Scholarly articles are:
in-depth | written by experts | validated with technical language, abstracts, literature reviews, methodologies, tables, graphs, and conclusions | reviewed by experts | given a bibliography
Popular articles are:
brief overviews of topics | written by journalists | easily read by most people | illustrated with colorful photographs or pictures | reviewed by editors | not given a bibliography
Find the Peterson's Test Prep Education and Career Center database under the Test Prep subject heading in the list of databases by subject. Under Online Books (bottom middle of the home page) you will find eBooks for the Firefighter Exam and Basic EMT Certification. You must register as a user to use the resources, but registration is free. Access many more resources by exploring the links.
To log in to the databases, you will use the same Rivermail e-mail address and password you set up to log into MyPioneerPortal. First-time users of MyPioneerPortal can create their password by following the instructions you receive in your activation email. To reset your password, select "Need help signing in." The librarians cannot reset MyPioneerPortal passwords, if you need additional assistance visit the tutorial on MyPioneerPortal.
Try these online databases to find health related peer-reviewed articles about your topic. Remember to choose FULL TEXT. Click the Health and Medicine subject to display the databases listed below.