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CSE Style Guide: Book with no author

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) style guide is designed for the natural and physical sciences. IRSC students writing in these disciplines can use this guide.

Works with no author

 If neither a personal nor an organizational author or editor can be found, begin the reference with the title of the book or work.

Material Type           In-text Citation              End Reference                                                        
Book with  no author (CRC Handbook . . . c2008)

CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. c2008. Cleveland (OH): CRC Press.


(Handbook . . . c2002)

Handbook of geriatric drug therapy. c2000. Springhouse (PA): Springhouse.


Article (online) with no author   

(Destructive . . . 2010)

A destructive epidemic. 2010 Aug 9. New York Times (Global Ed.).[Internet].[cited 2010 Dec 13]. Available from: