“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” - The Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, 1791
Read As Broadly And Diversely As Possible
The more you read, the more knowledgeable and influential of an advocate you'll become
Stay Informed
Know what is happening in your state legislature, local school and library boards, and city councils
Attend your local school and library board meetings
Speak Out
Write letters expressing your view to your school board or your library
Write to your mayor, your state or federal representatives, and your senators
Sign a petition like this one or this one
Fill out the Office for Intellectual Freedom's Challenge Reporting Form
Work with fellow concerned students/citizens
This is a group in Florida: Florida Freedom to Read Project
This is an article about organizing anti-censorship groups
1.) File a formal challenge
This can be through filling out a "Request for Reconsideration" form, writing a letter to the organization or entering a plea at a public meeting (ex - school board meetings)
2.) Report the challenge to the Office for Intellectual Freedom
Provides assistance with gathering materials in support of a request
Allows the American Library Association to track challenges
Your name and other personal information will remain confidential unless you provide explicit permission saying otherwise
3.) Establish a review committee
This committee will reach a conclusion
Retain - keep as is
Reclassify - move to a new location
Restrict - placed in a special collection or requires permission to access
Replace - update to a more current title
Remove - withdraw from the collection
4.) Accept or reject the recommendation
5.) Appeal the decision
Decisions can be appealed by either side
Decisions from a school or library board are often final unless challenged in court
Source : LaRue, J. (2018). Intellectual freedom. In S. Hirsh (Ed.), Information services today: An introduction (pp. 434-449). Rowan & Littlefield.