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Banned and Challenged Books: Three W's

“I hate it that Americans are taught to fear some books and some ideas as though they were diseases.” - Kurt Vonnegut

Why Are Books Challenged?

What do you think is the #1 reason books are challenged in America?
"Critical Race Theory": 1 votes (11.11%)
Inclusion of Drugs and Alcohol: 0 votes (0%)
LGBTQIA+ Characters/Content: 3 votes (33.33%)
Profanity: 0 votes (0%)
Sexually Explicit: 5 votes (55.56%)
Unsuited for Age Group: 0 votes (0%)
Witchcraft: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 9


Books have been challenged for a variety of reasons. Looking through 2021's Top 10 Most Challenged Books, do you see any recurring reasons?

Reasons for Book Challenges

This graphic was pulled from the 2022 State of America's Libraries Report

Who Challenges Books?

Who initiates book challenges?

Parents led the charge to challenge and ban books in 2021 with 39% of all challenges originating from concerned parents. Library patrons made up the next largest demographic with 24%. It's worth noting that only 1% of challenges were initiated by students - the intended audience for the majority of books being challenged.

This graphic was pulled from the 2022 State of America's Libraries Report

Where Are Books Challenged?

Where do book challenges take place?


School libraries account for the most book challenges and bans in 2021 at 44%. Public libraries are a close second with 37%. Schools (classroom collections) and other academic institutions make up 18% and 1% respectively.

This graphic was pulled from the 2022 State of America's Libraries Report