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Streaming Video Database Films on Demand: Sharing Films on Demand Videos in Canvas

How to watch streaming video content in Films on Demand and embed videos in the Leanring Management System.

Sharing Films on Demand Videos in Canvas


Finding Videos

  1. Start at
  2. Click "Quick Links" then click "Libraries"
  3. Click "Databases by Subject" on the right side of the page.
  4. Log in. Your Login is the same as your Rivermail email address and password that you use on MyPioneerPortal.
  5. Click "Streaming Videos" 
  6. Click "Films on Demand"

Sharing Videos in Canvas

Using this method, students are no longer required to log in with their library credentials to view videos.

  1. On the video's page in Films on Demand, click "Share," then "Embed/Link."
  2. Copy the URL in the box under "LTI Link."

Films on Demand Screenshot

3. Create a new Web Link in Blackboard. 

Blackboard Screenshot

4. Give the video a name, paste the URL, and put a check in the box next to  "This link is to a Tool Provider."

Create Web Link in Blackboard Screenshot