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Digital Learning Day 2020: Presentations and Resources

What's Trending in Blackboard

Dr. Angela Robbins, Customer Success Manager, Blackboard and Jacob Webb, Senior Solutions Engineer, Blackboard.

Exciting and Engaging: Reframing Online Education

Dr. Leigh A. Clay, Student Learning Coordinator, Virtual Campus and Sara Johnson, Instructor, Library Services

Virtual Mastery Option for Introductory Math Course

Teresa P. Hasenauer, Assistant Professor, Mathematics; Dr. Kimberly W. Milner, Professor and Chair of Gateway Mathematics; and Lynne Y. O’Dell, Mathematics & Science Student Success Coordinator

Adaptive Courseware:  Lessons Learned from the University of Central Florida

Dr. Wendy Howard, Program Director, Pegasus Innovation Lab, University of Central Florida; Anne Prucha, Associate Professor, Modern Languages, University of Central Florida; and Pam Thomas, Instructor, Biology, University of Central Florida

Open Mathematics—How to Drastically Reduce the Cost Burden of Your Mathematics Students

Dr. Taylor A. Kilman, Assistant Professor, Mathematics.


Dr. Perry Samson, Professor, University of Michigan.

Discuss Differently, New Strategies for Online Collaboration

Emily M. Renschler, Master Instructor, School of Education.

Project Based Learning in Online Environments: How to Prepare Your Students for the Post-Graduate World and Make Their Minds Go PBLOE!

Dr. Bodi O. Anderson, Associate Professor, School of Education.

Point of Need Research Assistance in the Online Course

Mia S. Tignor, Assistant Professor, Library Services; Dr. D. Lynn Crowell, Associate Professor, Nursing; and Linda T. Parry, Assistant Professor, Nursing.

Cultural Competency through AMH2020

Laura Brackenridge Danahy, Adjunct Instructor, History.