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Tutoring Centers: Science Resources: PHY 1053: College Physics I

PHY 1053: College Physics I

Science decorative art

PHY 1053: College Physics I  is the first in a two-part series intended for non-physics majors, offering an algebra and trigonometry approach to topics such as kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid dynamics, oscillatory motion, and waves. The course fosters analytical and critical thinking skills to promote a scientific understanding of the real world.

College physics course textbook cover

Textbook: Physics, 12th Edition

Author: Cutnell, Johnson, Young, Stadler

IRSC ISBN:  9781119773610

Math Pre-Req Knowledge

Chapters 1-5 (Exam 1 Material)

Chapters 6-9 (Exam 2 Material)

Chapters 10-11 (Included in Cumulative Final Material)

Math Review w/ Mike Della Selva

Recorded Math Review w/ Mike Della Selva


This PHY 1053 course guide would not have been possible without Josh Caron and Mike Della Selva.