Service learning can be an ideal opportunity to acquire funding through grants. It’s a good idea to envision how your project might be scalable so that what you have in place today can grow into a more effective classroom tool, as well as a greater asset to the community. Grants can help considerably with this, no matter if the funding you need is large or small.
The grants development office is in place to assist you in researching and writing grants. Please see the link below for more information about their services and how they can assist you.
Questions about service learning grants can be directed to the grants development office or to Dean Bruce Fraser.
IRSC Libraries is a member of the Funding Information Network and offers access toFoundation Directory Online Professional. This resource searches across four databases—Grantmakers, Companies, Grants, and 990s—and the Foundation Center's philanthropy news, nonprofit jobs, RFPs, foundation publications, and nonprofit literature databases simultaneously.
This resource is available on any IRSC computer (campus access only) by visiting the Campus Access Only Databases page on the website.
Anyone may access this resource by visiting the Main, Pruitt, and Mueller Campus Libraries.