IRSC Libraries subscribes to several different eBook collections you can access by logging in with your MyPioneerPortal credentials. Instructions for how to use the eBook collections are included on this LibGuide.
Can't log in? Need help? Have an eBook purchase request? Contact us at We can help!
Log in through MyPioneerPortal (using your RiverMail email address and your MPP password). Click on the IRSC Libraries tile.
Click on Florida SHARES under Reading For Fun.
Browse or search for eBooks or eAudiobooks by author, title, subject, or keyword.
To get to IRSC Libraries' eBook collections, start at
Click Databases by Subject in the top right.
Click Reading for Fun in the Subjects list.
Florida SHARES and eBook Collection (EBSCO) are our largest collections of eBooks. Click on your choice.
Login to the eBook collection with your RiverMail email address and password.
Search or browse to find eBooks you can read/listen to now or place holds to be added to the waitlist and notified when it's your turn.
Adobe Digital Editions is free software required for reading EBSCO eBooks offline.
Adobe Digital Editions is free software required for reading EBSCO and RBDigital eBooks offline. There is also an Adobe Digital Editions app you can use to read EBSCO eBooks on a smart phone.
Get more help from the EBSCOhost website, click here.
Log in through MyPioneerPortal (using your RiverMail email address and your MPP password). Click on the IRSC Libraries tile.
Click on eBook Collection (EBSCO) under Reading For Fun.
Search for eBooks by author, title, subject, or keyword.
You can read the eBooks in the browser.
In the detailed record for an eBook, you can learn about publisher permissions like the ability to print or save pages or copy/paste from an eBook. You can also see the concurrent user level that tells you how many people can view the eBook at the same time.
To read the eBook offline on your computer, you will need to download Adobe Digital Editions and authorize it with your Adobe ID. If you do not have an Adobe ID you can create one. Once Adobe Digital Editions is downloaded and authorized, check out an eBook and download it to read it in the Adobe Digital Editions program rather than the browser.
EBSCO has a new mobile app that allows for searching for and reading articles and eBooks and listening to eAudiobooks on mobile devices. Find and install the app in your phone's app store. Start typing in "Indian River State College" until you see it listed. Select Indian River State College from the list. You will then log in with your MyPioneerPortal credentials.