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Open Readings: Other Collections


Code Switch: Race and Identity, RemixedinfoThis NPR podcast site's contributors are all journalists of color who explore issues of race and identity.

Essay DailyinfoEssay Daily is a website dedicated to discussing and exploring the art of the essay.

ProPublicainfoProPublica is a non-profit newsroom dedicated to investigative journalism with "moral force."

Snap JudgmentinfoSnap Judgment is a weekly radio story and podcast that presents stories on a theme. 

StoryCorpsinfoStoryCorps provides a forum for people to share their stories. Their mission is to "preserve and share humanity's stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world."

The Electric TypewriterinfoThis site hosts a collection of essays and articles by popular writers and journalists on a variety of topics.

The Literary HubinfoThis site would be useful when research and readings related to literature and writing would be useful to a project.

The MothinfoThe Moth podcasts re-airs episodes from The Moth Radio Hour, which celebrates storytelling, often including stories from famous people.

The RumpusinfoThe Rumpus collects essays and personal narratives that address a variety of popular culture issues and topics. The site describes itself as a platform for "marginalized voices."

This American LifeinfoThis American Life is a "weekly public radio program and podcast." Each week has a different theme, and they specialize in "journalism that's built around plot."



Except where otherwise indicated, the Themed Essay Lists have annotations by Rachel Brooks-Pannell, Shawn Casey, Rebecca Fleming, and Nick Lakostik at Columbus State Community College and are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license does not extend to the contents of external web pages.