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ENC1102 Kallich: Riding the Elephant

Potential Sources

Barbara Kingsolver. Appalachian Heritage.

Link to article in IRSC database. 

An interview with the author of Riding the Elephant, Barbara Kingsolver. 

Johns‐Putra, Adeline. “Climate Change in Literature and Literary Studies: From Cli‐fi, Climate Change Theater and Ecopoetry to Ecocriticism and Climate Change Criticism.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews

Link to article in IRSC database. 

Living with Coyotes: Rethinking Human-Animal Relations, from Aesop to Prodigal Summer Gregory Stephens University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez Janice Cools University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez

Link to article from Google Scholar

Feelings: What Are They & How Does the Brain Make Them?

Link to article in JSTOR

Mobilizing in the Interest of Others 

Link to article in JSTOR