Step 1: Find a news story that involves a moral dilemma or issue that interests you.
There are many ways of finding an in-depth article on a topic you care about. One suggested way is to use a database and browse by topic. The Opposing Viewpoints database can help you quickly locate articles on a variety of current events topics. Opposing Viewpoints is a subscription database, so you must login with your student credentials.
Once you are logged in, click Browse Topics in the upper left corner of the page. Select an issue that is genuinely important to you and that has some implications for how people live and work in the real world.
Click Newspapers to limit your search result to news articles. Select a recent (2016-2017) article from a publication approved for this assignment:
Other news articles that you find may be acceptable, but requires the permission of your instructor.
Step 2: Locate two other stories about your issue from different news organizations.
You may find these additional sources from Opposing Viewpoints. You may also find Google News to be a useful. Type your topic in the search bar and then browse the results to see headlines and links to the same issue being covered by multiple news organizations.
Step 3: Cite your sources
Be sure to cite the information you gather. If you use the Opposing Viewpoints database, click the Citation link and copy and paste the citation provided into your essay. If you use an online article you find using the Google News search engine, click on the actual article and copy and paste the URL. Librarians are happy to assist you with additional citation requirements your instructor may require.