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One Book, One College: Classroom Activities

General Education Learning Outcomes

General Education Learning Outcomes

Through the General Education requirements within the Associate in Arts Degree, the student will be able to:

  • communicate with clarity and precision
  • use technology to acquire, organize, and convey information
  • describe a wide range of global, social and cultural points of view and apply various perspectives to analyze human behavior
  • develop awareness of diverse ethical perspectives
  • understand and exhibit civic engagement and social responsibility
  • apply critical thinking through problem-solving.


Should Percy Shelley be credited with at least partial authorship of his wife’s (Mary Shelley) masterpiece? Research both sides. Host a debate - vote online.

How are advances in technology and science justified in the face of humanity? 

Case Study: Creature of Dr. Frankenstein

Create a profile of Dr. Frankenstein's creature that might be used for law enforcement, human services, or psychological purposes. 

Suggestions for inclusion:

  • Physical appearance
  • Posture
  • Manner of dress
  • Language(s) spoken
  • Speech patterns
  • Education
  • Time period 
  • Psychological overview, include redeeming qualities and flaws
  • Personal attachments
  • Crimes believed to have been committed

Oral Presentations: Webquests

Using student teams, the class will explore the topic of Frankenstein. They can use credible web resources, library resources, or primary sources. From the information gleaned from these sources, students might present their findings as an oral presentation supported by media (video or images). The legend of Frankenstein might be approached through science, literature, art, or music. 

Discussions: Science

Hold workshops or panel discussion on dangers of using technology to advance scientific knowledge in the area of bioethics. What might the future might hold 200 years from now? This broad discussion could be narrowed to a more specific topic, i.e. genetic tampering, cloning, artificial body parts, etc.

Potential Topics

Abandonment: Describe how Dr. Frankenstein’s creature exhibits signs of abandonment?

Archetypes: Identify and explore a plot or character archetype in Frankenstein.

Bioethics: Explore bioethics from two perspectives - 1) impact on science (within the lab) and 2) impact on society (post-lab).

Body Image: How does the treatment of Dr. Frankenstein’s creature compare to contemporary society’s rejection of people who do not fit the image of acceptable beauty/appearance?

Contemporary Fiction: Compare Frankenstein to a contemporary Gothic work.

Copyright: The Frankenstein image captured by Universal is copyright protected. Which features are protected? How else might the creature be portrayed?

Creations: How does innovation like Dr. Frankenstein’s creature affect society?

Doppelganger: Explore how Frankenstein and the creature form a doppelganger (mirror) relationship.

Geography: Identify the geographic locations where scenes in the novel take place. Is there a contrast between the scene and the geographical backdrop?

Gothic Novel: Compare Frankenstein to a contemporary Gothic novel.

Gothic Novel: What are the basic characteristics of the Gothic Novel? How does Frankenstein fit these characteristics?

History: What is the historical significance of Frankenstein? What are the historical influences in the novel?

Individual Reflections: Dr. Frankenstein and his creature both take different paths within the story. Describe their individual reflections about humanity, individual rights, and advances in science. How are their observations similar or different?

Legends: How did legends contribute to the development of Frankenstein?

LGBT: Explore the development of Dr. Frankenstein’s creature. Did Dr. Frankenstein utilize human parts from one gender or multiple genders? How would this difference impact the story? Are you able to discern the creature’s gender?

Mob Violence: Mob violence occurs in Frankenstein. Why did this behavior manifest in the novel? What indicators were present that suggested that mob violence might occur? Compare a contemporary example of mob violence to Frankenstein.

Mythology: Compare Frankenstein to a Greek myth (e.g., Prometheus). Who was Prometheus and why is he important to the novel?

Parental Relationship: Is there a parental relationship in Frankenstein? How is it similar or different from your perspective of a parent's relationship with his/her child?

Patriarchy: Identify the patriarchal stereotypes prevalent in Frankenstein. How are women portrayed in the novel? What other instances of inequity are evident?

Philosophy: How do the works of Locke and Rousseau impact the novel?

Politics: Identify political undercurrents in Frankenstein.  What were the political issues of Shelley’s time?

Romantic Literature or Movement: What are the basic characteristics of the Gothic Novel and Romantic literature/movement? Frankenstein crosses these two time periods. Into which time period do you believe the book best falls and why?

Science as Power: How do the scientific discoveries of this time period balance with the potential to cause harm?

Sociology: What is the cultural significance of Frankenstein?

Symbols, Images, and Allegories: Identify one of the aforementioned topics and explore its use through Frankenstein.

Women: Describe how Shelley portrays women in Frankenstein. What is the role of the woman in this novel?